Game Rules


There are 2 prizes for Dragon Dice that keep increasing for each roll until someone rolls double ones (1,1):

Game Flow

To understand how the game flow, let’s see the example below:


  1. Bob initiates a new dice session with ticket size 0.1 ICP per roll —> Prize will be started at 1 ICP for Dragon, and 0.7 ICP for Dwarf
  2. Bob rolls the first time, and got 5 and 4 (total 9) —> Bob became the current Dwarf winner —> Dragon Prize increased to 1.03 ICP, and Dwarf Prize increased to 0.72 ICP
  3. Alice rolls next, and got 5 and 5 (total 10) —> Alice became the current Dwarf winner since it’s the highest number —> Dragon Prize increased to 1.06 ICP (10.6x), and Dwarf Prize increased to 0.74 ICP (7.4x)
  4. More players playing with total rolls 5x but no one got 1,1 or higher than 10 total sum of dice —> Alice is still the current Dwarf winner —> Dragon Prize has increased to 1.21 ICP (12.1x), and Dwarf Prize now 0.84 ICP (8.4x)
  5. Samantha rolls next, and got 1 and 1 (Snake Eyes) —> Samantha is the Dragon Prize winner, and rewarded 1,21 ICP —> Alice as the Dwarf winner is rewarded 0.84 ICP

Game Rationale

In a game where the prize keeps increasing, it gives a negative incentive for players who join early. The Dwarf prize offsets this by creating a balanced mechanism where early players can get a high reward if they roll the highest number.

An early player who snatches double six (6,6) is a guaranteed Dwarf winner, for whom the prize will keep increasing until someone rolls snake eyes (1,1).